This music video follows a pregnant teen whose world is expanding—realizing the life around and within her. She gains a new appreciation for life, growth, and the power of her body as she relinquishes her dreams of being a dancer and accepts her role as mother.
Freddy Hall
Freddy is an incredible Brooklyn musician that I've had the pleasure of knowing since our high school days back in Virginia. I've long been a fan of his so working on this video with him was a true honor.
This song, from his album The Wander Years, is already incredibly powerful, so the challenge became trying to enhance the story without forcing the emotion too quickly. Instead, we grow with her as her worldview blooms. Find more from Freddy on his site. |
"The thousand sighs, the weeps, the sounds that never go..."
Ellenore Scott
You may recognize Ellenore Scott from her run on So You Think You Can Dance. Well, she certainly can.
We were incredibly lucky to have Ellenore choreograph the dance for this video and even improvise at times with her dancers Timmy Wasserman and Jeffrey Gugliotti. You can find more about her at elscodance.org |
"A Lullaby" from the Album "The Wander Years" by Freddy Hall & The Best Intentions.
Written by Freddy Hall.
Available on iTunes here: itunes.apple.com/us/album/wander-years/id564052825?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Directed and Edited by Patrick Mandeville.
Choreographer: Ellenore Scott
Dancers: Ellenore Scott, Timmy Wasserman and Jeffrey Gugliotti
Actress: Sofia Rebelo
Drummer: Marques Walls
Bassist: Alan Stevens Hewitt
Cellist: Alon Bisk
Co-Producer: Maxine Medina
Cinematographer: Jamal Solomon
B-Camera Operator/Color Correcter: Wilson Mbiavanga
Produced by Freddy Hall and Patrick Mandeville
A DIVIDED LINE realization
Special thanks to Joanne Rizzo and Mike Rizzo.
Made in Brooklyn, New York.
Written by Freddy Hall.
Available on iTunes here: itunes.apple.com/us/album/wander-years/id564052825?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Directed and Edited by Patrick Mandeville.
Choreographer: Ellenore Scott
Dancers: Ellenore Scott, Timmy Wasserman and Jeffrey Gugliotti
Actress: Sofia Rebelo
Drummer: Marques Walls
Bassist: Alan Stevens Hewitt
Cellist: Alon Bisk
Co-Producer: Maxine Medina
Cinematographer: Jamal Solomon
B-Camera Operator/Color Correcter: Wilson Mbiavanga
Produced by Freddy Hall and Patrick Mandeville
A DIVIDED LINE realization
Special thanks to Joanne Rizzo and Mike Rizzo.
Made in Brooklyn, New York.